The concept of the student council in St Daighs N.S is to ensure that our school is a happy, bully free zone. The student council meets monthly with the staff of St Daigh’s, normally on the last Friday of the month. The Council brings up any concerns or ideas that the students of St Daigh’s have.
The main aims and objectives of the council are as follows:
1. To promote an atmosphere of kindness around the school. 2. To keep an eye out for any bullying indoors and outdoors and bring it to the attention of the KiVa team or any staff member. 3. To check worry boxes and bring forward any ideas or troubles some students are having 4. To ensure the school is a happy, kind and fun experience for everyone. 5. To help organise various fund raising activities in the school. E g. Halloween dress Up, Bake Sale, Couch To5K, etc 6. To be available to help, listen to or advise our fellow scholars.
The members of the student council are: Harry Meegan (Chairperson), Seán Kearney (Deputy Chairperson), Lucy Rice (Secretary), Aimee Kearney (Deputy Secretary), Lily Monahan (Treasurer), Daniel McKenna (Deputy Treasurer), Chloe Meegan, Liam Lavelle, Sophia Mulligan, Luke McArdle.
Published by the Student Council Chairperson: Harry Meegan